
Monika Hue Hammel
Im Thomasgarten 9
4104 Oberwil

Telephone 061 403 07 37
Mobile 079 362 57 53

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 7.30 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.
Friday 7.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon

How to find us

Car Two parking slots in front of the clinic
Bus Bus line 61 or 64, get off at Baumgartenweg station (Allschwilerstrasse), walk for about five minutes via Baumgartenweg to the clinic next to the Thomasgarten school building
Tram Tram line 10 or 17, get off at Oberwil Zentrum station, walk for about ten minutes to the clinic next to the Thomasgarten school building